AEM Podcast #16 - Simon Partridge - Upper Class Complex Trauma Condition (UCCTC) - Boarding School Trauma

#16 Simon Partridge - Upper Class Complex Trauma Condition (UCCTC) - AEM Podcast - Boarding School Trauma

In today's podcast I have a fascinating conversation with Simon Partridge about Upper Class Complex Trauma Condition.

Simon is a researcher in the field of complex trauma and especially boarding school syndrome.

Today Simon talks about how he feels that often the principle of boarding school syndrome to explain why the UK's leadership is the way it is misses the point.

He talks about the idea that many UK politicians and well known public figures have come from an upper class background. The upbringing that they go through, causes them to become traumatised - UCCTC

He talks about some of his experiences at boarding school and how the experience was for him.

An insightful dialogue.

Here are some of the questions that I asked him:


1. I would love you to share some of your own journey at boarding school and your own healing journey. What triggered your journey into exploring boarding school trauma?

2. I would love you to talk about the difference between boarding school syndrome and upper class complex trauma condition (UCCTC)?

3. Does social background effect how one is effected by BS and is it a cause of bullying?

4. “I'm interested in the generational traumas, generations of generals and admirals, all following in the footsteps of those who came before. And how these familial traumas over a long time have influenced their descendants' behaviours now?”

5. “And I'm interested in knowing about HOW some of those descendants have changed their views/behaviours, e.g. taking a different stand as a Conscientious Objector or otherwise.”

6. “Defining what the categories of Social class and SES seems to have evolved over recent decades, so I'm wondering how that shapes Simon's lens?”

7. “The phenomenon of father who went to boarding school sending son to bs, and so on through generations, as well as both parents supporting both boys and girls 'going away' to boarding school is interesting enough. When we know that those fathers and mothers had a tough time at bs one can't help but wonder why they would send their children with any chance that they might also suffer. Understanding the rationale within a class context is something that Simon probably grasps more than anyone. Would it be factors such as beliefs in either the social or educational goals of a bs education that would shout louder than their suffering, or would they rationalize that things would change for the next generation? Do they think that bs provides a necessary toughening up process? Is bs just part of what " people like us" ( PLU) do? Has their bs experience desensitized them and made them less empathic than they might be? Maybe they just haven't given it a thought?

8. Could you talk about the difference between UCCTC and BS syndrome 1st Nations, and BS syndrome Brit boarding. The “social context” is important for me…

9. “I wonder what Simon thinks about BSS as a concept, and whether or not it might be revisited, expanded, or dropped? Does he think it's the same Syndrome in first Nations Children for example, as might be experienced by some boys at Eton? His thoughts about the class perspective might offer us something here." 10. In your opinion how do we change this system? 11. How do people learn more about what you do or read your papers? Is there anywhere you can direct people?


Simon comes from a partly French post-colonial background in India.

His half-French grandfather went to Eton. Simon Partridge was sent to weekly board in 1954 at 6 and to full board from 7-17.

He was sent to his father’s public school Eastbourne College in 1960, where he failed to follow in his footsteps…

Apart from a short time at the doomed Greater London Council (1984-86) developing community radio he has been an itinerant writer/researcher covering: devolved politics; the British-Irish conflict; ethno-cultural mingling across the islands of Britain and Ireland; the psycho-neurobiological consequences of detached upper-class child rearing and boarding schools; inter-generational war trauma; and more latterly Complex-PTSD and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs).

He is a founding director of the London ACEs Hub - .

He continues to explore and write, from lived experience, about the linkage between early attachment deficits and ACEs.Email:


Published Articles & Papers 2007-2021 relevant to boarding school-related trauma

Partridge, S. (2007). Trauma at the threshold: An eight-year-old goes to boarding school. Attachment: New Directions in Psychotherapy and Relational Psychoanalysis 1(3): 310–12.

Partridge, S. (2009). Chosen film review. Attachment: New Directions in Psychotherapy and Relational Psychoanalysis 3(1): 115–17.

Partridge, S. (2010). Prep school children review. Attachment: New Directions in Psychotherapy and Relational Psychoanalysis 4(2): 188–92.

Partridge, S. (2011). British upper-class complex trauma syndrome: The case of Charles Rycroft, psychoanalyst and psychotherapist. Attachment: New Directions in Psychotherapy and Relational Psychoanalysis 5(3): 154–63.

Partridge, S. (2013). Television Film Review - Stiff Upper Lip: An

Emotional History of Britain. Attachment: New Directions in Psychotherapy and

Relational Psychoanalysis, 7(1): 111-116.

Partridge, S. (2013). Boarding School Syndrome: Disguised Attachment-deficit and Dissociation Reinforced by Institutional Neglect and Abuse. Attachment: New Directions in Psychotherapy and Relational Psychoanalysis, 7(2): 202–213.

Partridge, S. (2015). Editorial: New statutory child sexual abuse inquiry. Attachment: New Directions in Psychotherapy and Relational Psychoanalysis, 9(1): x-xi.

Partridge, S. (2016). Why upper class boys don’t cry - review of Boarding School Syndrome: The psychological trauma of the ‘privileged’ child by Joy Schaverien, published by Routledge, 2015. Attachment: New Directions in Psychotherapy and Relational Psychoanalysis, 10(3): 269-274.

Partridge, S. (2021). The British Upper-Class Complex Trauma Condition: boarding school syndrome reconsidered in its social context framework. Attachment: New Directions in Psychotherapy and Relational Psychoanalysis, 15(2): forthcoming; preview available.

Adverse Childhood Experiences-related material

Partridge, S. (2019). The origins of the adverse childhood experiences movement and child sexual abuse: a brief history. Attachment: New Directions in Psychotherapy and Relational Psychoanalysis, 13(2): 113–116.

Partridge, S. (2019). Review: The Deepest Well: Healing the Long-Term Effects of Childhood Adversity. Attachment: New Directions in Psychotherapy and Relational Psychoanalysis, 13(2): 117–120.

Partridge, S. (2021). Editorial: What happened to you? Attachment theory extended.

Attachment: New Directions in Psychotherapy and Relational Psychoanalysis, 15(1): vii–xiii.

This material is available for private or educational not-for-profit use in pdf format on request from Simon Partridge


An Evolving Man (AEM) Podcast is for men (and women) who want to grow, evolve and want support in learning how to do this.

On a regular basis there will be an interview around men's topics ranging from self-development, relationships, spirituality, archetypes, trauma, boarding school and men's work featuring authors and leaders in this field.

The sense with these interviews is to support men during these times of change. What are the teachings, tools and practices that you can use to help you through these turbulent times?

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