Piers Cross' Second Book

Boarding School Trauma & Recovery

A Boarding School Journey of Trauma, Suicide, Abuse & Recovery

How A Boarding School Survivor Can Begin The Healing Journey

My second book which I finished writing and editing in September 2021 is initially called, Boarding School Trauma & Recovery.

This book is my own challenging journey through boarding school while interweaving exercises, practices and tools to help in the recovery process from boarding school syndrome.

Boarding school life for many can be traumatic. Although I normalised it in the years at school and post boarding school I soon realised that I was carrying a lot of trauma and needed help. This book is part my journey and part the tools and practices I used to start to bring healing.


Yesterday I reached out to a publisher. In principle they are interested in my book but only if there is sufficient interest in the book.

So this is where you come in. If you want to read my journey of boarding school trauma and recovery then I will need your support.

What would be wonderful is if you sign up to my book launch email list adjacent/ below. 

This will show my potential publishers that there is a market for my book and that you are willing to buy, review (if it is worthy) and share....

I am just piecing together some ideas about how I can give away the proceeds of the book sales to a boarding school survivors charity to help them with their work....

If you are an ex-boarder or have been impacted by an ex-boarder then please do share, sign up and get this message out there...

Piers Cross' Book Boarding School Syndrome and Reocvery

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Piers Cross' First Book

How To Survive & Thrive in Challenging Times

101 Ways To Cultivate Resilience, Well-being & Inner Peace In All Areas of Your Life

We are currently going through challenging times. From Covid-19, to the lock-down, and from loss of earnings to problems in relationships we as humans are currently facing huge challenges.

And yet what would it be like to not only survive these challenging times but to also thrive? What would it be like to learn how to cultivate resilience, well being and inner peace even when life is chaotic?

Piers Cross describes how these difficulties can be transformed. Here, Piers reveals his own journey from London's corporate world to having a breakdown, becoming homeless and struggling with drink and drugs.

Piers then describes his journey to a Buddhist monastery where for 3 years he started to learn to heal and overcomes his challenges. What are the teachings, tools and practices that he learned on his journey from breakdown to breakthrough?

With clarity, open-heartedness and an accessible style Piers Cross covers topics as far ranging as exercise, sleep, relationships, spirituality, health and finances.

He teaches not only about thriving but gives exercises for how to do it. He also asserts that happiness, and well being is a skill that can be learned and that it is through these challenges that you can thrive too.
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