AEM Podcast #31 - Rod Boothroyd - Lover Archetype - Depth Psychology - King Warrior Magician Lover

An Evolving Man Podcast #27 Rod Boothroyd -

Lover Archetype - King Warrior Magician Lover

Exploring the Lover, the Addict and the Impotent One

Today on the podcast I welcome back Rod Boothroyd. Here we go deeper into the archetype of the Lover.

The Lover is the part of us that is responsible for feeling, connecting to others, eros and sexuality, creativity and spontaneity. The Lover is the part of us responsible for the emotional and feeling side of our lives.

Today Rod goes deeper into the subject of the Lover archetype. What are the positive aspects and what are the shadows? How do we connect to this energy in a benevolent way?

If you went to boarding school then I really recommend watching this podcast episode.

At boarding school, in my opinion, this was the part of us that we most suppressed and hated. We shoved it down inside and wished that it would go away. But in reality this is the part of us that we now need in relationships both with ourselves and with others. Rod talk about how you can start to reawaken that part of yourself.


Rod Boothroyd is a counsellor, psychotherapist, a certified “Healing The Shadow” practitioner and the author of the book Warrior, Magician, Lover, King – a guide to the male archetypes updated for the 21st century.

He works with men, women and mixed groups to heal the wounds of childhood with Marianne Hill and also trains people in the art of working with the shadow and healing emotional wounds.

Some of the questions that Rod answers are:

  1. What is the Lover archetype?
  2. What makes a balanced and mature Lover?
  3. What are the shadows of the archetypes?
  4. What are the specific shadows of the Lover archetype?
  5. I would love you to speak more about the emotional wounds of the Lover. How does this wound come about and what are some of the self-beliefs that are born from this wound?
  6. What would you say is the key emotion of the Lover and why does it help to move through this emotion?
  7. In certain areas the Lover seems to be in conflict with the other archetypes. The Lover seems to be about having no boundaries whereas the Warrior is about boundaries. What can we do to integrate the Lover without it taking over our lives and spiralling into addictions?
  8. Robert Moore and Douglas Gillette speak of the need of a strong father in puberty to help the adolescent break away from the mother so that he can experience himself “as fully masculine.” In your opinion does this happen at the moment? How do we as men help this to happen so boys can become men?
  9. How do we cultivate the Lover - what are the steps that we can take to embody the Lover?
  10. How to connect to your work?

#kingwarriormagicianlover #loverarchetype #rodboothroyd


Rod Boothroyd: Warrior Magician Lover King; A Guide to the Male Archetypes Updated for the 21st Century

Josh Waitzkin: The Art of Learning

Bill Kauth: A Circle Of Men; The Original Manual For Men's Groups

Pete Walker: Complex PTSD

Robert Moore: The Archetype of Initiation

John Bradshaw: HomeComing

Philip Shepherd: Radical Wholeness

Paul Gilbert: The Compassionate Mind

Pete Walker: The Tao of Fully Feeling

Training as a shadow work practitioner:

To contact Rod to learn more about Ed Rooke's Lover Workshops please email:

Group healing and self development work:


Men and women:


An Evolving Man (AEM) Podcast is for men (and women) who want to grow, evolve and want support in learning how to do this.

On a regular basis there will be an interview around men's (and women's) topics ranging from self-development, relationships, spirituality, archetypes, trauma, boarding school and men's work featuring authors and leaders in this field.

The sense with these interviews is to support people during these times of change. What are the teachings, tools and practices that you can use to help you through these turbulent times?

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