Today I offer some reflections about Jeremy Clarkson's article from late 2022 in The Sun newspaper condemning Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex.
Jeremy Clarkson said he was “dreaming of the day when she is made to parade naked through the streets of every town in Britain while the crowds chant, ‘Shame!’ and throw lumps of excrement at her”.
Today in the below video I explore some of his early childhood experiences where at boarding school other pupils bullied him and defecated in his tuckbox:
Could his comments and his bullying words have anything to do with his upbringing?
What happened at boarding school and how might his unconscious be reappearing in his articles and how he acts in the world?
For more about Trauma Informed Media and Matthew Green,
I quote the work of Nick Duffell, Peter Levine, Robert Verkaik and Robert A Johnson.
Any questions please do let me know.
An Evolving Man (AEM) Podcast is for men (and women) who want to grow, evolve and want support in learning how to do this.
On a regular basis there will be an interview around men's (and women's) topics ranging from self-development, relationships, spirituality, archetypes, trauma, boarding school syndrome and men's work featuring authors and leaders in this field.
The sense with these interviews is to support people during these times of change. What are the teachings, tools and practices that you can use to help you through these turbulent times?