Today I want to talk about how men have become like islands.
Instead of working together and supporting each other men now try to sort everything out themselves.
Today I want to talk about how men have gone from being brothers working together in a tribe to it being all about the individual – “What's in it for me?”
But can we really do it alone?
And actually isn't it easy to get the support of others?
Men Don't Need To Do It Alone
Recently I ran an online workshop for men. I shared some teachings and practices on the topic of How To Still The Mind in Stressful Situations.
And it was really lovely to see men come together from all other the world to support each other – from Mexico to Austria, from Somerset to Kent.
I see more and more that although we feel like we should be able to do it on our own, the reality is that we don't need to do.
By asking for help we enable others the chance to step forward and give of their gift.
By supporting others we really fill our hearts up in the very act of service.
And yes this applies to women too, but I see that women are generally pretty good at asking for help and supporting each other.
Men often struggle to show up, to admit there is a problem and to ask for help.
And while doing the work is sometimes challenging – we don't have to do it alone.
In April and September 2019 I ran 2 men's retreats in the woods.
On these weekends we work together as men.
We support each other to move through blocks – mentally, emotionally, spiritually and relationally.
We support the group to create fire, cook food and tend to the camp.
We listen as other men share their journeys and give our presence.
We don't do it alone.
So if you are a man and you are doing it alone realize that you don't need to. Find a men's group, find a therapist or coach, find a group of benevolent men to join – there are many out there – from the Mankind Project to Nobleman, from MenFest to retreats.
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