1. Ask A Friend
Okay, so this is not Who Wants To Be a Millionaire, but on the other hand you are searching for your gold.
So the first way of finding out what your core patterns are is by asking a close friend or your partner.
I would suggest that you ask them what 2-3 of your core patterns are (both positive and negative). And then write them down.
It is important that you don’t take it personally. If you get offended then know that they are offering you gold – it might not feel like that to you, so give space to the feeling and know that you are on the cusp of great change and growth. It is also important that you are in a centred and balanced space when you ask this question and know that you have support in the form of a coach or a therapist or a men’s or women’s group.
It is not recommended that you ask your family. We often pick up patterns and habits from our family. Therefore the chances are that they will not see clearly what patterns you are running because they might well have the same ones as you…
2. Look At Your Life
The second way of working out your core patterns is to be honest and truthful about your life. What is your life like in the core areas – physically, mentally, emotionally, financially, spiritually and relationally? You might think that this is obvious and yet most of us will deny we have an issue even though everyone else can see it.
Again know that everyone has patterns and we will always be working on patterns and beliefs until we reach enlightenment. Therefore be gentle with yourself. Come at it from the perspective of the Buddhist monk above – see it as gold dust.
And look at both sides – positive and negative. Look at all areas – are you excelling in certain places – well celebrate that. And if you are not doing so well in other areas, celebrate that too – here is an opportunity to grow.
3. Watch What Arises In The Difficult Times
When life is good and everything is flowing smoothly it can feel that we never have problems and that we are sorted.
But when things turn south and life is not flowing so smoothly how do you react? What behaviours come to the surface? Do you snap at people, do you get worried about money, do you start to binge eat or your addictions surface?
Again do some reflection – what do I still struggle with when the shit hits the fan so to speak? When I’ve not slept, the children are sick or work is not going well how do I respond?
Robert Moore, who is the author of King, Magician, Warrior, Lover, spoke in one of his talks about our inner life being like the Grail cup. He said that as we grow up we are sculpting this cup. And we need benevolent men and women to help us with this. And yet most of us don’t have this so cracks are formed in this cup.
Robert goes on to say that when we are tired, sick and life is not going well, this is when the cracks start to show up in our lives. If you want to find out your shadow, that which is hidden, then he says you will find this when your life is not going your way.
Your work now is to remember how do you respond? What behaviors do you present? These again are your gold. When you work through them now, you start to mend these cracks so that the next time you are struggling the cracks no longer appear.