For many in the UK a few weeks ago was a sad day. For some there was relief. But for many millions who had voted Labour the defeat has left them in despair.
Looking at my Facebook feed in the last few weeks I saw that many were speechless and couldn't work out what we are doing in the UK.
So today I thought that I would share a few reflections on how we move through this despair and come out the other side – seeing that we are moving into greater opportunity than ever before..
When I heard the news that the Conservatives had won, I felt shocked. “Really? Surely not...” And for a little while I felt confused and the stories that I create in head about the current system wandered for a few minutes.
But then I remembered a teaching from a neuroscientist called Dr Joe Dispenza called Project Coherence. So I went to bed to read the chapter in his book Becoming Supernatural about the subject.
And his words were just the right words to read to uplift me.
Essentially we have been told that we have no power. Essentially we have been told that others control us. And yet more and more research is showing that through love, joy, compassion and joining together as humanity we can heal any issue. Please look at some of Dr Joe's work and testimonials to see the healing that is taking place.
So the current way of fighting, raging and attacking others who don't share our views just adds fuel to the fire.
We feed the fire with this anger.
There is a lovely teaching from Buddhism about the anger eating demon. The story talks about a King who goes away from his kingdom for a period of time. While he is away a demon appears in his throne room.
The courtiers try to oust the demon. But every time they throw something at him, insult him or get angry he grows bigger in size.
By the time the King returns the demon is so large that he had filled the whole of the throne room.
The King immediately knows what to do. “Oh, beautiful blessed demon, what would you like? Would you like your feet rubbing?” So the King starts to rub the demon's feet. Immediately, the demon shrinks in size.
The courtiers see what is happening and realise what they need to do. They set to work! Some start lavishing praise on the demon. Others offer drinks and treats for the demon at which every kind and loving gesture the demon shrinks until he is back to human size. And at the very last act of kindness the demons vanishes.
This teaching is powerful. I see on the media that people are feeding these “anger eating demons” with their anger and hatred. Let us instead send them love and kindness.
Let us instead dream in a new reality for the type of leaders we want to have - benevolent, loving, who have done their work.
Let us dream in all the amazing ways that humanity will come together to solve the current problems in a harmonious way.
Let us relish in these positive feelings because as in Joe Dispenza's meditation you will find that your visions and feelings will start to create a more peaceful, loving and harmonious world.
You are that powerful. Really.
And our work is to keep coming back to kindness – even when we don't want to be kind.
To be loving – even when there are those who hate us.
And to love – because your love and vision is the pathway to a great future for the planet and our descendants.
An Evolving Man Podcast (AEM) #77 Sarah Ockwell-Smith | “Because I Said So!” | Childism | Why Society Is Childist & How To Break The Cycle of Discrimination
An Evolving Man Podcast (AEM) #75 Nicky Moxey | Third Culture Kids| ACES| Adverse Childhood Experiences| Military Brats| Boarding School Syndrome for Women and Girls