When You Arrive at A Crossroads and Are Unsure Which Path To Take
When You Arrive at A Crossroads and Are Unsure Which Path To Take
When You Arrive at A Crossroads and Are Unsure Which Path To Take
Sometimes in life we get to a crossroads and wonder which path to take.
Sometimes we get to a point in our journey when we are not sure where we go next.
Today I would like to share some reflections about this.
Life can be strange sometimes.
For there are times when certain doors close.
That might be in relationship, with work, with retirement or when your children leave home.
So what do you do when life circumstances change?
Over the past few weeks life circumstances have started to change for me.
The work that I have been doing with children for the past 8 months has started to come to an end.
Since leaving the corporate world I have often had changes in circumstances.
And so many times I have had to trust that the right doors and opportunities would open.
And I have found that they always do.
I have been publishing videos about my experiences and healing from boarding school for a number of years.
I was mentioning to a friend a few days ago about how I have started to write a book for men. When I then went on to say that at some point I would write about boarding school he said, "Do it! I really get that you must write about your boarding school experiences."
This in itself brought up a lot of fear.
I have been frightened of sharing my journey at boarding school for fear of what others would think of me.
At boarding school, I learned not to put my head above the trenches. I didn't want people to notice me.
But the more I have mentioned about writing a book about boarding school, the more people have gone, "Yes, you must do it!"
So the book has begun...
It will be part autobiography sharing my journey through trauma, suicide and wounding and part a tool box for healing.
I will share the tools that I have been taught and learned for healing the trauma and opening my heart again.
Please watch this space...
So if you find yourself at these crossroads what can you do?
1. Be patient.
Ask the question, "What's next? How may I serve this world at this time?"
And listen.
Listen to your dreams. Write them down.
Spend time alone in nature.
Go to visit a monastery or a church and see what unfolds.
What inklings or insights do you have?
Be patient.
2. What shifts or life experiences have you been through that others could benefit from?
Sometimes, as I found when I first shared my deep vulnerability of boarding school life, then people will love and support what you do.
So have a reflect, 'what life experiences have I been through and have I done a lot of healing around?'
And share that with others.
3. Get back into your heart.
Sometimes when you reach the crossroads then fear can arise.
It does with me.
But your job is to keep coming back into your joy and your heart.
Reconnect with what you are passionate about. And spend some time doing that. Be that playing music, spending time with good friends, taking a hot bath or reading an inspiring book.
Thank you for reading. And please do comment below if any of this resonates with you.
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