How do you go about healing childhood trauma? Maybe you struggled as a child and you feel that these challenges are still affecting your life now. Maybe you have certain symptoms - are these the same ones which are common for adults who have experienced trauma in childhood?
According to a new study in the Journal of the American Medical Association (November 2018) childhood trauma is linked to mental illness and addiction in adulthood.
Indeed in this report it is said that one of the biggest predictors of adult onset mental health disorders is whether someone had experienced trauma in childhood. But for some adults it is not obvious whether they have had childhood trauma. Why? One of the reasons is because they can't remember – they have no conscious memory of it.
It is said that from the ages of 0-6 we are in delta and theta brainwaves, meaning hypnosis. This is why many of us struggle to remember the childhood memories and traumas. We were literally in the brainwaves of deep hypnosis during those years.
So how do you know if you have had childhood trauma? Often childhood trauma manifests as certain conditions as an adult. What are these symptoms to signify that you might have some unresolved childhood traumas still to work through?
According to research by the Great Smoky Mountains Study (93-03) some of the symptoms and signs of childhood trauma are as follows:
If you resonate with quite a few of the above points then there is a strong potential that you still have some unresolved childhood trauma to deal with.
In further research by Harvard University they found that unresolved childhood trauma “can trigger emotional and physical reactions”. These reactions can “make you more prone to a number of different health conditions, including heart attack, stroke, obesity, diabetes, and cancer.”
It can be easy to feel that there is nothing that we can do about earlier childhood traumas but if we don't do anything as the above research has shown then we can be more prone to serious health conditions.
The truth is that there is something that you can do to heal your childhood traumas.
There are many different modalities for healing childhood trauma, from psychotherapy to Jungian analysis. Over the years I have tried out many different avenues for healing my own boarding school syndrome and early childhood trauma. I spent 3 years using counselling and yet I found that I received very little benefits from having purely a talk-based therapy.
I found that for Complex trauma like Complex PTSD (c-PTSD), which is a common for ex-boarders, then some work needs to be done on an unconscious level. Dream analysis, Matrix Reimprinting, energy psychology and EFT are all processes that work with the unconscious. When you tap into and heal those early memories (pre 6) or other childhood traumas then you can not only let go of the trauma itself but also clear the symptoms of surrounding this.
It is possible to heal. If you feel like you have you tried many therapies to work on your trauma but it has not shifted ask yourself, have I worked on the unconscious? If not then see that there is a potential to heal. You can heal your childhood trauma.
To learn more about Healing Childhood Trauma Therapy and Coaching or to get in touch here.