A number of years ago I wrote a song called Keep Going. I wrote this in part as a reflection of my own inner struggles and how I struggled to keep going. I was constantly dealing with depression & suicidal thoughts and I so wanted to give up - whatever I was trying - life, relationships...
So many of us especially with the current climate of lockdowns and social distancing are struggling with mental health.
We are born to be around other people. We are used to living in community with friends, family or colleagues to chat to or speak to face to face.
But this year, this has not been possible. No, we have had to isolate and therefore many people are now dealing with depression and suicidal thoughts.
So I wrote this as a support for people who are struggling and going through challenges. I wrote this for those who are wanting to give up. The song is at the bottom.
Keep Going by Piers CrossIn, out,
The changes drive us up and down,
A crazy world,
Both in and out,
Sometimes such an urge to shout,
To scream, to cry
To rage but why?
There is no reason,
There is every reason.
Keep going
Keep going and then some,
Keep going
Keep going, you're beautiful,
Keep going,
Keep going, you are strong,
And this track of time will pass.
The urge sometimes is to retire,
To return to source
And leave it all behind,
But that is our illusion
That is our confusion,
Life is for living
And tears and pain
Are part of our giving
Back to this world,
With our wings unfurled
We fly, we fly,
With our wings unfurled
We fly, we fly.
Open your heart,
Feel this pain,
Feel this love
And that it is all you,
You are magnificent
Even with these tears,
You are magnificent
Even with these scars.
Keep going
No matter what anyone says,
No matter what you feel
Even if it feels too much
You are bright
In your wholeness
Not in your denial of your truth
You are bright with a wide and open heart.
Many blessings,